- Rocks, build
Rock Cocktail Glass - 1 ½ oz Vodka
- ½ oz Amaretto
One of the greatest classics
The orginal Manhattan was made with a dash of bitters. Today it is usually left out because of its strong flavor.
If you like this shot, then you’ll love our complete list of every candy-flavored shot and cocktail.
Click here to learn how to make every type of candy cocktail!
Want to know what Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities love drinking?
Check out our list of 80 celebrities and their favorite cocktails!
Cocktail, blend or shake
½ oz White creme de cacao
½ oz Galliano
Fill with Coffee cream
Cocktail, blend or shake
½ oz Vodka
½ oz Triple Sec
½ oz Galliano
1 oz orange juice
1 oz coffee cream
Cocktail, blend or shake
½ oz White Creme de cacao
½ Green Creme de menthe
2 oz coffee cream