You’ll think you’re in space after drinking this cocktail.
- 1/2 oz. Vodka
Collins Cocktail Glass - 1/2 oz. Gin
- 1/2 oz. Rum
- 1/2 oz. Tequilia
- 1/2 oz. Triple Sec
- Energy drink
- build
- Float Jagermeister
You’ll think you’re in space after drinking this cocktail.
This is a power full drink with lots of liquors.
1/4 oz. Vodka
1/4 oz. Dark rum
1/4 oz. Coconut rum
1/4 oz. Southern Comfort
1/4 oz. Amaretto
1/4 oz. Kahlua
1/4 oz. Midori
1/4 oz. Banana Liquer
Dash of grenadine
Splash of orange and pineapple juice
Fill a glass with ice. Pour liquor of choice first over ice. Add additional liquors or mixes. Add sip stick to gently stir ingredients. Strain the ingredients into a stemmed cocktail glass with out the ice.
If you like this shot, then you’ll love our complete list of every candy-flavored shot and cocktail.
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Try this interesting tasting shot. It has a unique different flavor.
Pour ingredients into an ice-filled highball glass. Stir and garnish with a lime wedge
Use your favorite energy drink. Guaranteed to pick you up.
Pour over ice in a highball glass. Stir and enjoy.
The cranberry juice cuts the tartness of the pineapple juice to make this a very refreshing cocktail drink. Try it you’ll like it.
The most popular drink recipes change every year and 2009 was no exception. New liquors cocktail drink recipes are introduced and promoted by the distilling companies every year. At American Bartending Schools our batending course always teachs the most popular drink recipes . These are the top 10 most requested cocktail drink recipes of 2009. We have over 300 more cocktail drink recipes at bartenders guide drink recipe pages. Many of the recipes have how to videos that are available for your bartending pleasure.
Apple Martini or Appletine
• 2 oz Vodka
• 1 oz Apple Schnapps
• Cherry garnish
Long Island Ice Tea
• 1/2 oz Vodka
• 1/2 oz Gin,
• 1/2 oz Rum
• 1/2 oz Triple Sec
• Fill with sweet/sour and coke
• Garnish with a lemon wedge
Mai Tai
• 1/2 oz Rum
• 1/2 oz Triple Sec
• 1/2 oz Crème de almond
• 1/2 oz Dark Rum floated on top
• 1 oz each sweet/sour, pineapple and orange juice
• Garnish with cherry
• 1oz Vodka
• 1/2 oz Triple Sec
• 1/2 oz Roses Lime Juice
• Splash cranberry juice
Jolly Rancher
• 1 oz. vodka
• 1 oz. Midori or melon liquor
• Splash of cranberry juice
Chocolate Martini
• Rim cocktail glass with coco power
• Coat inside of cocktail glass with chocolate syrup
• 2 oz Vodka
• 1/2 oz Chocolate Liqueur
Amaretto Sour
• 1½ oz. Amaretto
• 2 oz. Sour mix
Sex on the Beach
• 1 oz Vodka
• 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps
• Fill 1 oz each of orange juice and cranberry juice
• 1/2 Rum
• 1/2 oz Triple Sec
• 1/2 oz Crème de almond
• 1/2 oz Dark Rum floated on top
• 1 oz each of sweet/sour, orange juice and pineapple juice
• Garnish with a cherry
Vodka Martini
• 2 oz vodka
• dash dry vermouth
• olive garnish
Try tasty tequila cocktail. The combination of the fruit juices and lime soda make it a thirst quencher on hot days.
Go to your local club and you’ll see the recent shot craze, the bomb shot. This is the hottest craze of cocktail alcoholic mixed drinks since prohibition. This new cocktail drink trend offers a variety of enticing options for shot lovers. Try out these new and old recipes to find your favorite. Although Red Bull is the most mentioned energy drink in recipes, any energy drink will work.
Warning, these drinks are powerful and drinking and driving after a few of these can be dangerous. Best to be sampled when you’re not driving.
Bombs. The energy drink, shot of liquor combination that will keep you up all night and never let you down. Which one is your favorite? The Irish Car Bomb? The Jager Bomb? The Obama? No matter what you like, there’s bound to be a shot out there for you. The concept of the bomb shot is a no brainer. Take a shot of liquor, and drop it into a cup filled about half
way with a “wash.” Shots can be taken either “clean,” dropping the shot into a cup, or “dirty,” pouring the shot directly into the wash.
New glassware has been invented to make the shots easier for bartenders to make and more fun for you to drink. Plastic bomb cups, or bombers, are as cheap as other plastic cups, and now there are companies that sell a plastic bomb shot glass that separates the two main ingredients by pouring one on top of the other. This type of glassware is easier to use but more expensive to purchase.
The Jager Bomb
The grand daddy of bomb shots is the Jager Bomb. It gets its name from the German liquor Jagermeister which is made from 56 different ingredients. Many describe as tasting like cough medicine. You decide.
The recipe is simple. A shot of Jagermeister dropped in half a glass of Red Bull, this shot is famous worldwide.
• Can of Red Bull
• 1 shot of Jagermeister
Pour Red Bull into a glass. Drop shot of Jagermeister into glass.
The Obama
Named for the president of the United States. Smother and better tasting than the Jagermeister.
• Can of Red Bull
• 1 oz of Bacardi O
• Splash of Orange Juice
Combine Red Bull and splash of orange juice into glass. Drop shot of Bacardi O into glass.
Irish Car Bomb
A hearty bomb that is guaranteed to give you that good feeling. Especially popular on St. Paddy’s Day or at Irish funerals.
• 3/4 pint Guinness Stout
• 1/2 oz Irish Creme
• 1/2 oz Jameson Irish whiskey
Pour the Irish Creme into the shot glass first and then slowly add the Jameson Irish Whisky. Fill a pint glass ¾ with Guinness. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness.
Fruit Flavored Bombs
Fruit flavored bombs come in a wide variety of flavors. Pick your favorite fruit flavor and there’s probably a liquor flavor. Cherry seems to be the most popular, but any flavored liquor will work.
Cherry Bomb
• 1 oz Cherry vodka
• Can of Red Bull
Pour Red Bull into a glass. Drop shot of cherry vodka into glass.
Fruit flavored bombs come in a wide variety of flavors. Pick your favorite fruit flavor and there’s probably a liquor flavor. Cherry seems to be the most popular, but any flavored liquor will work.
Cherry Bomb
• 1 shot Cherry vodka
• Can of Red Bull
Energy drink into a glass. Drop shot of cherry vodka into glass.
If you like this shot, then you’ll love our complete list of every candy-flavored shot and cocktail.
Click here to learn how to make every type of candy cocktail!
Want to know what Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities love drinking?
Check out our list of 80 celebrities and their favorite cocktails!